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Yesterday, Institut Pasteur de Dakar celebrated the inauguration of Touba Institut Pasteur, marking a crucial milestone in our commitment to making quality health services accessible to communities across Senegal.

Touba, the second largest city in Senegal, is famous for hosting numerous religious events, including the annual Grand Magal de Touba, attracting millions of people from the country and beyond. This makes Touba a strategic location for public health interventions due to the large influx of visitors.

The launch event was honoured by the presence of Serigne Mame Thierno Mountakha Mbacke, the son of the Khalifa General of the Mourides, as well as by the Governor of the Dijon region. The Governor of the Diourbel region, Ibrahima Fall, the Deputy Prefect of Mbacké, the Sub-Prefect of Ndame, the Mayor of Touba, Abdoul Lahat Ka, and Dr El Hadji Mamadou NDIAYE, Director of Prevention at the Ministry of Health and Social Action, who jointly inaugurated this state-of-the-art medical biology and public health laboratory.

Located in the heart of Touba, our multi-purpose laboratory is equipped to meet the diverse healthcare needs of the town and surrounding area. Designed to the rigorous standards of ISO 15189:2012, it guarantees high-quality analyses in biochemistry, immunology, haematology, parasitology, bacteriology and much more. Every aspect of our infrastructure, from internal organisation to strict health and safety protocols, is designed to ensure the safety and comfort of our patients and our dedicated staff.

Touba Institut Pasteur is ready to make a significant impact on the health and well-being of the people of Touba and beyond.