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In Dakar, Senegal, on December 16, 2024, the Institut Pasteur de Dakar (IPD), in collaboration with the West African Health Organization (OOAS), organized the First General Assembly of the Regional Initiative for West African Laboratories, funded by the Global Fund. This event marks a turning point in the implementation of the External Quality Evaluation (EQE) of laboratories in the surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).

The assembly brought together regional and international experts from December 16 to 17, 2024, to strengthen regional collaboration in the fight against AMR, a major global public health challenge. Participants included national AMR focal points from ECOWAS CEDEAO and Mauritania, national laboratory directors, and technical and financial partners. This assembly was jointly funded by the The Global Fund, @German Cooperation KfW, the The World Bank Group, and OOASWAHO || West African Health Organization.

This event allowed to:

  • Validate the implementation strategies of the WARIL-EEQ-RAM project with the participating laboratories.
  • Strengthen collaboration for a regional network of laboratories for effective and sustainable AMR surveillance and control in West Africa.
  • Define the next steps for the efficient implementation of the project in West Africa.

The WARIL-EEQ-RAM project covers 13 West African countries and aims to improve data quality and diagnostic capacities related to AMR.

This General Assembly is followed by a 4-day technical training on enhancing pathogen detection capabilities in AMR surveillance, from Wednesday, December 18 to Saturday, December 21, 2024.